A stray mamma cat hat four kittens in my mom's window well about three weeks ago. She moved them but apparantly lost count. This poor widdle orange kitten was left behind. It may have gone without nursing for a few days before it was discovered.
After bringing it inside, feeding it, and putting it in a box with a heating pad it seemed to perk up. It even hissed at their dogs! I didn't know such young kittens could have that instinct! So funny to see! Makes me think it will pull through and make it!
Wish I could bring it home. Nova even asked, "Bring baby kitten home?" We just can't have another indoor cat and it's too dangerous where we live for an outdoor kitty. A few people have offered to take it when it's strong enough. It's so sweet, purring and kneading it's tiny paws. It was fun playing foster mother on Mother's Day!

Chevrolet Colorado SUV
1 year ago
Awwww.... what a sweet baby! We had a litter of ferrel cats in our yard. We were only able to save one and I don't know what happened to the rest because they all ran for their lives.
He's so cute, I'm sure there is a loving home just for him.
off to
rue :)
What a sweet story!
Oh, am I glad I don't live near you! I have such a weak spot for orange tabbies. I'm glad to know it will be getting a home.
I love the little orphan annie story. I have such a soft spot for all little critters. Thanks so much for sharing. You were a true angel for this kitten. I am posting here for you drawing. I love Mary Engelbreight and love the fabric showing, so I KNOW whatever your drawing is I would love it. My kitchen and dining room are cherries. Country Hugs honey, Sherry
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