Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Porch Party!

Rhondi at Rose Colored Glasses is hosting a Porch Party today! This will be so much fun~ Be sure to check her blog for a list of other participants, there are over 60!

Welcome to our front porch! Would you like a piece of cake? It's red velvet..... C'mon, just a little slice?

Come on up... watch your step!
Here are pictures of my porch from last year. Our porch should look quite different soon, so please check back in a few weeks. All of our wicker shown here are dumpster diving finds. I found them about 4 years ago, painted them up and they've served us well. It's time for a new set tho. I will keep the chair on the right however. It was found just down the road~ a rocking chair with one rocker missing. So we just took off the other one! I think this one is actually vintage and it's still in great shape. There was one more chair to the set on the left, but it bit the dust a while back. HPIM1060
Here is a before and after of the wicker~

There was a bird's nest in that hanging basket! You can see another nest here.

The Angel Wing Begonia was Kevin's Grandmother's. We have had many starts from this plant and it just keeps going and going~
Here is a Mandevilla~ pink and viney, what more could you ask for?



Are you sure you don't want a peice? No one is looking! Take two!!Our little "grounds keeper"~

Ok, a few more mandevilla shots, I just love these things!

We hope you've enjoyed your visit, come back any time!

You can learn more about our porch here! Thank you so much for stopping by!


Rosie's Whimsy said...

It's gorgeous ....... the cake and the porch! I just love sunny white porches ............ so southern and friendly!

:-) Rosie

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! A fellow "dumpster diver"!! My husband used to get so embarassed, but I think he's used to it now. Anyway, the wicker is amazing--what a treasure. I LOVE your plants. My mother always had angel wing begonias---one of my favorite plants. The mandevilla is a new plant to me--one I certainly want to check out! Your little Grounds Keeper looks like he could help you out a bunch with taking care of your gorgeous plants! So nice to meet you and visit your sweet porch.

StitchinByTheLake said...

Red Velvet is my husband's favorite cake so we're definitely coming to visit. :) I love the front porch but could I just borrow the grounds keeper for a little while? My sister lives in Missouri so I visit your state often - it's beautiful country.

Lisa & Alfie said...

Lovely post! And lovely porch. I just wish you hadn't forced that third piece of cake on me. I am stuffed!
Thanks for a lovely visit. It is very welcoming on your porch.
Lisa & Alfie

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Beautiful porch and that ground's keeper has been working very hard, I can tell - good job!

Happy day!

Jaede said...

I want cake!! I love your flowers, you don't see to many around Vegas unless it's at a casino and I really miss them. So Beautiful.

Rue said...

You are so freakin' cute! I love your little grounds keeper too. Do you hire him out? ;)

I love your porch so much. The bead board is wonderful on the ceiling. The plants are gorgeous too. We even share a love for wicker :)

I hope you don't mind, but I stole what was left of the cake ;)


mommyholly said...

Yum, that cake looks incredible and your porch is adorable! xo!

Heather said...

How beautiful and charming! I love the little groundkeeper! The cake was delicious!!!
Have a great day!
-Heather :)

Celestina Marie said...

What a gorgeous porch. That cake looks so yummy and your sweet little grounds keeper is precious! I also love the jade hardware for your new room. Thank you for sharing your porch party and so nice to see you at mine.
Celestina, la rea rose

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Great throw away wicker! Nice job...and the cake....too too cool!

Great display!


Anonymous said...

You are abeautiful lady and a beautiful blog!
I want a piece of that cake!

. said...

So cute! Love your retro attire. Fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Can I sit on your wicker chairs for awhile? I'm really tired from all this porch visiting. That cake is making me hungry too!

Thank you for sharing your welcoming porch, and your sweet family too.
Kathy b

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hello Sweet Nikki!

Yummy! You are serving the best dessert anyone has offered today! Now let me wipe the crumbs off my mouth, are my teeth red?! Heehee! I LOVE your darling front porch with all your wicker! Just a cozy porch to relax in and your little inn keeper is the cutest! Thanks for the visit! I need your recipe!


Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Nikki, your little helper is so handsom and the cake, wish I was there. The porch is so inviting, thank you for sharing. Have a Blessed Day, Bonnie

Anonymous said...

Your porch is wonderful, and I love the columns.

And, your groundskeeper is quite a handsome fellow.

Mya said...

What a grand porch and I love all the flowers.The mnadevilla vine is beautiful. The cake looks yummy.

Mary said...

Thanks for visiting my porch today - I'm now enjoying your wonderful historic home and the neat wraparound porch, so lovely, and you three look very comfortable sitting there.

Gloria Baker said...

All is beauty, specially your son! Gloria

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Your porch is so lovely. Thank you for taking me on a tour and making me that wonderful cake!

Gato Azul | Chat Bleu said...

That cake! What a lovely cake! Thank you for inviting us (I love your wicker)

Anne Fannie said...

Love the porch and I want a piece of that cake! Thanks for having me I enjoyed meeting you.
Love, Ann

Anonymous said...

That cake is beautiful and so are you and your family. Not to mention your pretty porch with a great wicker find. Maybe you remember when you visited my porch, I had thrift store wicker. Love those bargains. :)

Your flowers are beautiful as well. I love a girl who loves flowers. I do too.
Thanks for sharing. Jeanne

La Tea Dah said...

Such a lovely post! The front porch is inviting and lovely, the cake looks so delicious, and you are beautiful! I love your vintage dress. Thanks for sharing your 'front porch'.


Anonymous said...

Ok.... I need a grounds keeper just like yours.... the little darling. Love your crisp clean white porch.... and your etched front door is so pretty...

Carolyn said...

I just jumped over from Rue's. Just wanted to say Hi.

That Red Velvet Cake looks YUMMY!

Nice Blog!

Lynn Hasty said...

Oh, how beautiful! I love the plants. The angel wing begonia is very lovely. You did a great job with the wicker -- that's my kind of find!


Rhondi said...

What a fun post. Thanks for joining the party. The cake looks delicious and I love the wicker.
Hugs, Rhondi

Brenda said...

Thanks for stopping bye yesterday,Your porch is so nice .Love the Dress.
Best Wishes

Mary said...

Nikki, your porch is so pretty with the wicker and the plants. My kind of porch. Love those big white columns. Your little groundskeeper is adorable! Great picture of you and your family!! So sweet!!

CIELO said...

Lovely porch, with lots of wicker furniture and lush ferns... just how I want mine to be :) The cake looks yummy, I might take a piece before I leave. Nice meeting you.


Free Art Printables said...

Lovely porch and thanks for the yummy cake! Jen r

Free Art Printables said...

BTW, I don't say "dumpster diving," I refer to it as "Global Recycling"
LOL! ;) Jen R

Unknown said...

What a lovely porch...and red velvet cake! It's all so lovely.

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Your porch is beautiful! And your little helper is such a cutie! I'll have a slice of that yummy cake!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Hi, Love your porch and the mandevellas ( did I spell that right )? Oh and thank you for visiting my porch,plase come again soon . HUGS

Edie Marie's Attic said...

I had a lovely time visiting on your front porch with you! Your red velvet cake was superb, my aunt used to make it when I was a little girl so it brought back some yummy memories. I love your blog name and your header. I'm a hard and true lover of Scarlett O'Hare. What a grand time that was in the OLD south!
Hugs, Sherry

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

WOW! What sweet comments everything, thank you so much! I still have about 20 porches to visit, boy am I pooped! It's so worth it tho!

Betty said...

What a beautiful porch, very inviting....your flowers are gorgeous and what a precious little fellow....

Your sailor dress is very chic as well as the shoes...

Thanks for dropping by and please come again anytime....Betty

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for stopping my my "Front Porch" Post...I never knew that the Kitty print I had was of the 5 Senses...thanks for that information.

And...you porch is darling...there's something just so wonderful about wicker and a glorious older home. That cake looks so yummy to!

Have a blessed day...Lorena

Anonymous said...

I love that pic of you holding the cake. what an awesome pic of you! xoxo, Joanna

Shirl said...

Hello, I'm still making my way around the porch party and I am so glad I stopped to vist you. What a beautiful porch you have! Cake looks delish! Mandevilla is one of my favorite plants. I love your wicker, how did you fix yours? My cats did a number on mine. I love your dress, shoes and earings! So cute! I'm doing my kitchen cabinets over in the jadeite hardware. I have alot of cabinets so I'm working my way around the kitchen. Stop by my blog when you have time. I think you and I have alot in common!
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

The Vintage Housewife... said...

eeeekkkkkkkk! i missed this post...i love love loved this dress....oh my oh my....envy!!!!! adorable...kitten!