Howdy folks~
A few of you have asked how I did my hair in the Cherries Jubilee post. I had slept in pillow rollers. Mine are from Goody, they're white with rectangular foam centers and wire ends to bend. I also use the good ol' pink sponge rollers, but pillows are easier to sleep on and give a more natural looking curl. I usually spray my hair with Aussie Hair Insurance, and if needed I'll use Paul Mitchel Super Sculpt as a setting gel.
Depending on how long I've had the rollers in, sometimes I still have to sit under the dryer for about a half hour when I wake up. My hair is all one length and thick. You can find the domed table top style dryers and bonnet dryers cheap at yard sales and such. They're also on ebay and new versions can be found at Sally Beauty Supply, Amazon, and sometimes Walmart and the like.
This shows the length of my hair at the time of this waved set. It was a few inches longer for the cherry do. I had just cut it here, that's my natural wave just scrunched, and a few victory rolls. Wow, I look like a ghost here... did I forget my blush?!

Here you'll see a *lovely* makeup-less me sporting my pillows, along with some vintage fingerwave clips. For a normal set I'd have pillow rollers where the wave clips are. My hair was about shoulder length at this time, and it really shrinks up after curling.
I woke up at about 5 AM and couldn't take those wave clips any longer! I looked in the mirror and thought, wow... my hair looks awesome, I'd better take a picture! LOL! This was after a fresh color job as well. See how much it shrinks?! If I wanted to keep this look I would bobby pin the curls to my head and not brush them out. The lovely Miss Iris has a new video on how to do the 20's-30's look by pinning curls close to the head to look like a bob, and I will post that here as well.
Here it is brushed out, (curls only, not the waves!) You'll hafta click to enlarge.
I'm sporting a vintage skirt with Scotties on it, and vintage blouse. There's that $3 Charlotte Russe sweater again. I didn't know you could see my shirt thru it till I saw the pics. Oh well!
Here's another version, no wave clips this time... same roller set. I was trying (AGAIN) to do the Vivien Leigh/Scarlett raised eyebrow. I just look rediculous and mean when I do it. So I photoshopped a bit. Wish my hair looked this red all of the time!

This was a set with the large pink sponge rollers. My hair was past my bra strap when I did this. It's pretty but doesn't look as vintage, too spirally. That's why I prefer it shorter. Besides, it takes for-ev-ah to dry when it's this long, which is how it is right now.
As promised, here is Iris! This video is adorable. Enjoy!
Iris is such a hoot! Thanks for the demo!
Hey Nikki! Just stopping by to see what ya been up to. I just love this post and the pictures are all beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!
Sleeping in rollers ~ haven't done that since I was a little girl, and my mom would put those pink sponge rollers in my hair ~ as if it wasn't curly enough already!!
You look beautiful, even w/o the makeup!!
Great post....can you show stuff w/ short hair? Mine is chin length and layered. I love spiraling my hair and having the messed up 40's doo. Reminds me of the farm wife.....hey, I AM a farm haaaaaa.
You are just beautiful and your vintage clothing suits you to a T.
Love that vintage do on you, girly! As usual, you look fffffabulous, dahhhhhling!
You're so vintagy cute! Ah- who am I kidding? You're cute, no matter the era!
I have been in some 40's musicals and absolutely love the hairstyles and clothing. And the music! Love it.
How fun! I love all the different ways you do your hair. I especially love the waves, but the wave clips do look like a pain. I adore the photoshopped pic! You look like a model!
Nikki, you're probably getting sick of me saying it, but you are just stunning. There's something about the whole shape of your face and the way it's all put together that just knocks me off my chair. Then those piercing blue eyes on top of it! And your brows! Total perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I could be reborn to look like anyone else in the world, I'd choose you!
Now, how often do you dress vintage? Is it every day, or just when the mood strikes?
Justine :o )
You are WAY too gorgeous! I gotta try this. I have somewhat long (just past the shoulders) red hair (never stays the exact color that I like though) and I've always wanted to have the old fashioned hair. Definitely want to try this one! Thanks for the instructions. Blessings... Polly
My goodness! those finger wave thingies look torturous....
You have beautiful hair... I don't know how all the ladies did back in the day!
Two words, Hair envy !!!!
You are just wonderful xxx
Awesome! Thanks for posting that video- made me wanna give a try myself except I have baby fine hair so i have a feeling it wouldn't quite turn out like that---But who knows- maybe I'll expirement! :-)
Super post, Nikki. I loved seeing the behind the scenes photos. Your hair always looks amazing.
Great demo...However you forgot to mention that it helps when you start out ALREADY GORGEOUS...and you have GORGEOUS HAIR!!! Mine would just look like I slept on it funny lol.
Oh, I love your vintage style...Beautiful hair!! Nancy
I found your site while surfing... :) Love your style! I was wondering where you got the finger wave clips from? I screamed when I saw them! I would love to get some if possible.
Hi, I just discovered your blog and I fell in love! I need to ask you were you got your wave clips.
I like those vintage hair style... Sally Beauty provides best hair accessories!!
The hair looks amazing!.. I love those waves. Where did u buy those vintage Wave clips? I would to get some!
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