Friday, September 26, 2008
PINK Saturday, Episode nine~
Saturday, September 13, 2008
If Walls Could Talk... 100th Post!!... Gift Give Away!!!
Closeup of of funky wallpaper

Now we come to a closet. A closet with a window inside and this dinky little door. I wish I had photos of the inside. It was mostly old wooden shelves. This area must have leaked big time, there were stains everywhere and different old wallpapers, which you will get to see soon...
Since the closet had a window and I could tell it was not original to the house, possibly built in the 20's or 30's, I had Kevin take it out. It was still a somewhat hard decision! But I'm so glad we did it.... here's a shot afterwards~ nice and bright!
By this point we had torn into the living room and dining room and found a few old bottles in the debris. So when he started on the closet removal, I told him I hope he finds something cool there too.
You can see the outline of the old paper on the ceiling and such here. This is my little bro, who is married with a baby now. (I can't believe it!!) I think this is a neat pic as Kevin shovels the old plaster into a bucket you can see the dust rising up. Dirty, dirty work. Not fun to breath.
Plaster is down on that half of the room, but lath strips are still up. Can you even tell what a pretty floor that could be? Um~ not now, huh.
Heads up! Plaster coming down!
The window in front of my brother is the parlor. Kevin is upstairs in the craft room, and the window to the left upstairs is our bedroom, below that is the living room, (which you can't see)
YAY! Let the lath removal begin! For those of you not familiar with old houses with plaster and lath, you can read about it here.
What a mess.
But it was worth it.
A drawing of a man in carpenter's chalk with the year 1907! It's quite hard to photograph, so I emphasized the pic a bit here to better show you~
Many people tell us they think it looks like Mark Twain. I guess it *could* be... but that was just the style then. I wonder if it's a self portrait. And most of all I wonder if whomever drew it actually thought that anyone would ever see it again?

You can't tell, but the picture is just above the handle of the shovel. We've since drywalled over it, but when we're ready we plan to cut the drywall out where the picture is. I have a piece of glass to place over it, inside the studs. I can then hang framed art over top and simply remove it when we want to show off our "talking walls".
I had tried looking up what I could about the house at the Court House and such, but came up empty handed. The only info I had was from the previous family, and another family who had lived here in the 70's. So, between our sidewalk out front being stamped with 1907, and then finding this dated *artwork*, I think it's safe to say that our home was built in 1907. (Ok, so it's 100 and ONE years old.... it's just easier to say 100 year old house when I talk about it, lol)
To celebrate our home's centennial in 2007, Kevin made little gift crates using the lath strips from our home, and on the ends I decoupaged this label... only I made it a tinge red and old looking~ (for the life of me I cannot find a pic of the finished product!) You can see the sidewalk picture on that, and I took out our name for safety/blogging purposes.

Here are some of the wallpaper layers found in the closet area. Such beautiful paper. Especially the wide border. Oh, how I wish I could find this today! And upon closer inspection I can see that it was pink and green, the same shades I'm using in the room today!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Pink Saturday, Espisode Eight!
Today I want to share the bridal shower we held for my SIL last year. It turned out pretty cute for a low budget deal!
I chose DIAMONDS ARE A GIRLS BEST FRIEND for the theme. I asked my mom to do a jewelry box shaped cake, and I shoved a bunch of my old bling inside.
(To see more of my mom's cakes, click here!)
Marilyn Monroe was present of course~
I re-used the candle holders I had made from my wedding, but changed out the ribbons. I found these cute little diamond belt buckles; I think they were three to a package for like $1.50 or so.
I stitched up a quick pink veil and put *diamonds* on the comb.
Each guest had diamond note paper. A copy of THE GOOD WIFE was rolled up and held with a diamond ring.
If you have not seen THE GOOD WIFE before, you must click on it to enlarge! This was one of the games. I didn't tell anyone to read it...but everyone did open it. Later I asked everyone to write down as many things that they could remember from the scroll. It was quite funny since they didn't know there'd be a test!

Another game was a jar full of gems~ they had to guess how many.
We served PINK lemonade, and I brought my PINK handled cake servers. There were cute PINK and black napkins, PINK forks, and PINK place mats. The bride was to carry PINK lillies, so I bought some to give away as prizes. I covered black tables with PINK shiny tulle.
So without further a-do, here is a slideshow. I hope y'all don't get bored, there's about 50 pics!
Cowboys and Cupcakes
What's this? Just one lonely cupcake left? How sad.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
So behind!!!
These preschool hours are kicking my butt! I'm so used to staying up till 1am or so, and getting up at 9 or 10. Now I have to get up at 7:15, and can't keep my eyes open past 11pm at night. And I am NOT a morning person. Seriously, don't even talk to me until at least 11am.
I have OVER 400 posts in my google reader from you guys and I don't even know where to start, so please bare with!
Today I didn't want to post anything, just thinking about 9-11. I saw some beautiful tributes out there in blogland today.
Nova had to dress up as a cowboy at school, (right up our alley!!), and it was our turn to bring snacks so I made cupcakes; post to follow.
My 100th post is right around the corner, so stay tuned folks~ there will be a give-away!
*See* you soon,
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
I won the lottery!!
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Nova bank~
And here is our NOVA bank~
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
I did it!!
I tackled it a few weeks ago, then finished my first little project last Saturday. Woohooo! I feel so ALIVE! Bwah-ha-ha...
So here's my first victim~ A black wicker(?) rocker that my friend got out of the trash for me! (Thanks KIM!) I don't know what it's made of. It's not wicker, or rattan. It's a rope-like material. Seems to be pretty old. Naturally it has issues. Coming apart from the top and has no seat. I don't care, it's shabby and free and I love it!
I asked Kevin to cut a new seat. The chair had once been green and then painted black and I love the patina. I don't want to paint over it. I knew if I painted the new seat black that it would be a "fresh" black and I wouldn't like it. So, I dug in my fabric pile and found some old yellow duck cloth. Perfect! Put some batting over the seat and covered it.
Now for a cushion! I had an extra hydgrangea pad from the front porch set.