Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tales of a shoe hoarder.... Episode Six...

They are Demonia brand, and you can still find them~ there are different colors and styles as well. The heels are called coffin heels, bwah-ha-haaaa!
This was taken at A Walk Back in Time two years ago. It's an event that has Civil War, Revolutionary War, WWII and Old West reenactments.
Here we are in costume for my home town's Sesquicentennial celebration. *AHEM* This is the day I found my headboard; yes, I was yardsaling in this gown! LOL! That's my mom next to me. We tied the headboard to the roof of my car and drove about 15 mph 5 blocks back to her house. What a hoot~
What's been keeping me so busy?

This is my favorite hairstyle she wears in the film~

I plan to use these appliques as part of my collar reproduction~

You might find one in your mother or grandmother's jewelry box!

Such details on this gown! Wonderful pleating, bias cut trim, streamers hanging from the waist, silk undersleeves with lace that matches the neckline, and buttons down the front.
Here is my Franklin Mint vinyl Scarlett doll wearing this fabulous gown. I picked out the fabric and sent it off to Alana to be made.
I just finished making her a new collar and cuffs and I'm quite proud of how they turned out! I also made her hair ornament.
These are paperdolls done by Ralph Hodgdon. He was friends with the late Walter Plunkett who designed the costumes for GWTW. Ralph's gwtw collection is just amazing. Such detail! They have been a great reference when researching these frocks. If anyone is interested in his work, please email me. He is not online.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Should I or shouldn't I, that is the question~
It has some stains that won't soak out...
and these are just a few of the holes...
It would look cute like this *if* I didn't want any light coming through the window. I'm thinking of cutting it down the center to make two panels. Then hanging them so the blue borders would be facing each other in the middle.
Thing is, I don't know if I can bare to cut it~
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
La Boudoir, Episode Two~ Inspiration!

I wish the bedskirt was the same ticking looking stripe as the reverse of the comfortor and shams. Oh well, a girl can't have everything!

Now, with more drapery panels en route, I'll show you some of my inspiration photos. So rich looking!
Most of these photos are from The George Glazer Gallory. Stunning lithos you can purchase; if you are well off.
This first one is my favorite, *I think*

This is a border I plan to put up, with gold molding. Over the top? Gaudy? Yes. Me likey!

What is the definition of boudoir? This is from Wikipedia:
A boudoir is a lady's private bedroom, sitting room or dressing room. The term derives from the French verb bouder, meaning "to pout"[citation needed].
(to pout!! *snort*)
Historically, the boudoir formed part of the private suite of rooms of a lady, for bathing and dressing, adjacent to her bedchamber, being the female equivalent of the male cabinet. In later periods, the boudoir was used as a private drawing room, and was used for other activities, such as embroidery or entertaining intimate acquaintances.
In Caribbean English a boudoir is the front room of the house where women entertain family and friends.
Latterly, the term boudoir has come to denote a style of furnishing the bedroom that is traditionally described as ornate or busy. The plethora of links available on the internet to furnishing sites using the term boudoir tend to focus on Renaissance and French inspired bedroom styles. They have, in recent times also been used to describe the 'country cottage' style with whitewashed styled walls large heavy bed furniture and deep bedding.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Angel in the Centerfold~

Here she is at one of our salon's annual winery trips~
I have some other really cute pics of her from our PINK salon winery trip, but they're on a disk somewhere and I can't find it. : (
SO, I'll share these photos from a salon Christmas party instead. It was 50's themed, I was in dress up heaven.
Here's the lovely Kim in a wicked pencil skirt... shazaaam right?
Hold up, lets zoom in on those amazing shoes. Daaaaaamn.
Here she is sporting my vintage 50's cat eye glasses. Isn't she cute?!
I drew Kim's name for our Secret Santa. We were supposed to give a gift that started with the first letter of the recipient's name. For the life of me I cannot remember what I gave her ~ hey, it was 3 years ago. Hmmm. Must have been something funny?? Dontcha just love our bangs and ponytails?
Anyhoo, congrats Kim!
We're all impressed, and the salon just isn't the same without you~
And be very glad that I didn't post some of the really obnoxious pics I have from our escapades! *snort*! Hugs girl, we miss you!