Good news folks! After writing my post about the Shauna Velvet drapes from Bed, Bath and Beyond I went to their site once again. I typed in the UPC code and still nothing. I've searched google and ebay many times; nadda. So this time I emailed BB&B. They wrote back saying that I could order them, there were still some available at other stores! Woohoo!
Not only that my friends, but they are now clearanced down to $9.99. Original price was $29.99. I had three coupons and they let me use them all! I'm so excited!
In other boudoir news, a bedding set that I have been drooling over at Kohl's since it came out has finally gone on clearance for 60% off! Same thing there, I searched the net and ebay forever and never found it cheaper. It is just starting to trickle into ebay, I suppose from being clearanced at the stores and people are gobbling them up.
The set is called Welbourne from Chaps; Ralph Lauren. Kohl's was listed on the cleaning tag, so no wonder I couldn't find it anywhere else!
Here's the advertising pic, and a closeup of the fabric. It's 100% cotton sateen. Lucious.

I wish the bedskirt was the same ticking looking stripe as the reverse of the comfortor and shams. Oh well, a girl can't have everything!

So now you'll see I'm toning it down a notch, we can't have Kevin living in the "land of precious" as he calls it. At least not *that* precious! Besides, I can't leave that vintage set on the bed, the cats would tear it up. It's for *display purposes only* SNORT!
The fabric draped across the bed is some yardage I had bought to redo a chair. I really need some new FLUFFY pillows for my shams. These look sad and saggy.
Now, with more drapery panels en route, I'll show you some of my inspiration photos. So rich looking!
Most of these photos are from The George Glazer Gallory. Stunning lithos you can purchase; if you are well off.
This first one is my favorite, *I think*

I also like the windows on Peter Pan with Cathy Rigby. Crummy pic, I could do! I like the whole bedroom setting.
Then naturally there's our beloved Marie Antoinette's Versailles~ Le Drool.

This is a border I plan to put up, with gold molding. Over the top? Gaudy? Yes. Me likey!

What is the definition of boudoir? This is from Wikipedia:
A boudoir is a lady's private bedroom, sitting room or dressing room. The term derives from the French verb bouder, meaning "to pout"[citation needed].
(to pout!! *snort*)
Historically, the boudoir formed part of the private suite of rooms of a lady, for bathing and dressing, adjacent to her bedchamber, being the female equivalent of the male cabinet. In later periods, the boudoir was used as a private drawing room, and was used for other activities, such as embroidery or entertaining intimate acquaintances.
In Caribbean English a boudoir is the front room of the house where women entertain family and friends.
Latterly, the term boudoir has come to denote a style of furnishing the bedroom that is traditionally described as ornate or busy. The plethora of links available on the internet to furnishing sites using the term boudoir tend to focus on Renaissance and French inspired bedroom styles. They have, in recent times also been used to describe the 'country cottage' style with whitewashed styled walls large heavy bed furniture and deep bedding.
Once again,
and the movie, "Marie Antoinette!"
I would love every room in my house to be in the M.A. style. I have a pic on my blog of my new hair color. It's much redder in real life but it is starting to fade. I have my , 'cheerleader' hair today! lol
Hi Nikki,
I will us a term that you used on one of my blogs...le drool. lol
That is beautiful. I love it love it love it.
It looks truely Victorian. I loved your inspirations pieces for draperies. Le Drool once more
You are well on your way to a drop dead georgous room as it is looking fabulous.
Ooh girl, I cannot wait to see what you do with your windows when your stuff comes in! The new bedding is much pretty too! Yep, the border is gaudy, but somehow you'll manage to pull it off!
Justine :o )
Land of Precious ... oh that Kevin. That truly made me smile. I want it all but would never be able to fit it in this little apartment. You find beautiful things and know just exactly what to do with them. Thanks for allowing us to see and drool too. xxoo
Your headboard is fabulous! Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful ispiration pictures! It looks like it is all coming together nicely!
Nikki, I just wrote a comment and lost it somehow, so will try again.
I love your room, it's gorgeous and Kevin's precious comment is so cute!
I've been catching up with you, here in the wee small hours of the morning.
Small world department...our friends at All About Home were talking about someone going around asking about interviews last week. So of course I came home and googled my little heart out and found the Time article. I used to have my hair done at Hair Design Team, until my stylist moved up north, too far to drive, for me, now I go to West End, here in town. My stylist @ West End is from your neck of the woods, her husband holds a public office. Bet you know who it is, without me revealing too much, on the net. Just a little hint. One of the other stylists interviewed for the article is married to one of the lineman, J worked with.
I love the pictures. It gives me decoration ideas. thanks.
Hey Nikki!
How lucky that found those other drapes you needed to complete your windows and what a deal! The bedding is's all perfect together with the headboard. It's all beautiful! Have a great day!
P.S. Love the litho pictures and other inspiration rooms too!
Oh honey! That bedding is beautiful! I love the lithos. I need to post pics of my old house, I think you would likey ;)
The border is perfection!
Oh and that "stuff" was shaving cream and the only reason those boys are still alive is that they didn't spray it on the cars.
I think I held my breath while reading that entire post. Absolute yumm. Especially that gold headboard.
Nikki, what a terrific post. I'm so glad you found more velvet curtains. It was meant to be. Your bedroom is becoming gorgeous--your dream come true. The pictures you found are amazing--such fun to see.
I'm so pleased you found the curtains and bedding you wanted. Can't wait to see what you do with the windows. Kevin is too funny. xxx
I'm so pleased you found the curtains and bedding you wanted. Can't wait to see what you do with the windows. Kevin is too funny. xxx
I enjoyed seeing all this!
Before I even scrolled down I was think Marie Antoinette! I Swear you have totally captured the feel. I love the bedding. It is sooo luxurious.
Good job gurl!
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