This week the kiddos were learning about the letter "H" in preschool. It was Hat day today. Nova wore his helmet, as it begins with "H" too!

Hay is for Horses! It was our turn to bring treats. So I made some haystacks out of butterscotch chips and chop suey noodles. I fished all of the horses out of the bag of animal crackers.... and let me tell ya, they were the minority! I finally found enough to give each child 3, which was ok because it was also one of the little boy's birthday and they had cupcakes too. Geesh! Can you say sugar buzz??

"H" is for happy! And Honored! And for Hickory Hollow!
Jill at
At Home in The Country gave me this great award a while back and I'm just getting around to sharing it. Thank you so much Jill! I love your blog! (Check it out y'all!)

I'm supposed to send this on but I've seen it pretty much everywhere I've blogged around lately.
How adorable is Nova in his helmet. Oh wouldn't a day in pre school be such fun, snacks and a nap, ah heaven xxx
H is for Hoot. That helmet is a hoot ;-)
You always have the neatest ideas!
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