Help! I have a vintage tablecloth I want to use in the bathroom as a window treatment. I was going to hang it with ribbons, and swag it over. But I tried it and didn't like it. It just doesn't swag well with the pattern on the fabric.

It has some stains that won't soak out...
and these are just a few of the holes...
It would look cute like this *if* I didn't want any light coming through the window. I'm thinking of cutting it down the center to make two panels. Then hanging them so the blue borders would be facing each other in the middle.
Thing is, I don't know if I can bare to cut it~
I think it makes a more dramatic statement the second way, and I say go for it! xxoo
With the age of the piece you might want to consider a light drapery lining fabric, it might help the longevity of its life. I just really like the idea of the use of it in your window. One thing that caught my eye is that when you are considering the cut down the mid section it seems heavy to the eye, and the white next to the frame of your window makes your eye carry over waiting to a resting point, where the original seem to frame the window. I think it would look nice either way, tough choice. Can't wait to see want you decide.
Best Wishes
I think it's lovely, but the stains would drive me insane!
Justine :o )
If you are not using it as a table cloth curtains would give it a new life, I also like the second pic and I would line it for sure. xxx
I love vintage items that are repurposed! I say do it! Like you said ... it would be different if it didn't have the stains. It is beautiful with your pink paint.
Hey Nikki!
I say go for it! Cut it and sew it and use it like it is in the second looks gorgeous. I love that shade of blue.
Ok, I'm thinking fold it in 1/2 and make it a valance. Add some white short curtains to the know, the lacey kind that resemble a pillowcase. Or pull out one of the colors on it....just a thought. I liked it better as a whole rather than the split version if you are going to use them whole.
I kind of like it the way it is. It is so pretty.
Would you do me a favor? If you have time. I did my hair in a Marie Antoinette style as a dry run for Halloween. I used the, 'regular' bobby pins, not the ones that look like a hair pin curve. lol Get it?
Would you describe how to use the hair pin curve ones? I can never seem to get it right. I have the hair pics up on my site. Have a great day!
Both ways look good to me. The first looks a little like a stained glass window. the second looks like curtains! Could you sew some of those little red satin ribbon roses on top of the stains, or would that look tacky?
Beautiful old cloth. I love vintage linens. :) Maybe cut off part of it to use as a valance--or as valance topper and tie backs or whatever combination and some of the cloth as a bottom ruffle/bottom trim--and save the extra fabric for other uses so as to spread it around your bathroom? Maybe some as your window treatment, some as a pillow cover for a little bench or chair, some cinched around a pretty jar, some as a skirt for a chair, some as shelf-trim, some as a matte for a favorite photo or print, etc? That way, you'd get even more use out of it and it would seem like you have a lot of the fabric to work with and it would carry the print/theme around the room. Anyway, I hope you're happy with whatever you decide. It's a lovely find, Nikki. :)
Look at it this way Nikki.If you didnt cut it up,what would you use it for?Is there anything at all that it would come in handy uncut?
With that,if you answered no,then I suggest you cut it.At least you'd have a use and its a great piece to show someone.
I had the same dilemma with some vintage music sheets but, I had no other use for them except for a craft.I kept them for over year,collecting dust.Some of them were used in a project that made someone very happy.
Do it, do it, do it!
Hi Hon,I like the ideathat you cutit down the middle and make panels,but I would put a linning on the back,also that would cut down on the light,for added afeect you could drape a light matching fabric over the rods to bring it all togehter.I think its beautiful myself.Drop on by my blog and join in my very first contest.Drawing is Nov. 8 Hugs Marie Antionette
Hi Nikki :)
I agree with the girls that said to cut and hang it like the last pic and line it. I think it's really really cute!
While I like them both ways, I actually like it better in two panels. I think it will look great and besides, what are you using the cloth for now? Is it just tucked away? This way you'd give it a whole new purpose. I'm all for re-use, re-purpose. I think I'd like it better if the blue trim was on the outside of the panel, against the trim of the window. Just my two cents, not that you asked :)
The second way would probably be best although I love both!!!! (Thx for the tip on the "Sarah" as Rosie the Riveter...I got a shirt for my sister in pink...she loved it!)
M ^..^
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