Snug as a bug in a rug~ Not really, it was pretty cold and we went back inside!
This morning he woke up and I heard him say, "SNOW! The snow is still here outside!" Then he rambled on about how Christmas and Santa were coming and that he would get his "black diesel" Thomas train.
Kevin was at work, but neither Nova nor I could hardly wait to finish breakfast and go out into the wintery wonderland~

Remember our cherry tree?
My poor roses holding on for dear life...
I was instructed on each detail, and told that we should go to the store to buy a carrot for his nose. Sorry son, I was not more snowman prepared.
He settled on a snow "hat", which he gave me a glop of snow for, lava rocks for eyes and buttons, and a broken clay pot for a mouth. He insisted Frosty have a broom, so I broke off a piece of our ornamental grass. Bad mommy... that's as good as it gets kid, lol! It seemed to placate him, so all is good!
Oh how fun!
I LOVE snow.
It doesn't snow where I am at.We have to drive about 1-2 hrs away.
Even then it doesn't always snow there.
The pictures are beautiful Nikki!
Thanks for sharing.
All we've had all day is rain and sleet. I can't wait for it to snow. I especially like your description of the snow that looked like diamonds. When I look out the window at night, that's what it looks like coming down. I am always fascinated by it. What a sweet picture of Nova looking out the window. That would make a great Christmas card, or should be in a frame for him to keep forever. Thanks for sharing your snowy day, and please send some to me. xxoo
I'm a little bit jealous!! We haven't had that big of a snow yet!
Here's a snow-related joke from Brad:
Q: What did one snowman say to the other?
A: Does it smell like carrots in here?
Tis the season for you! We probably won't get anything until late January. It's been so mild here which is not normal. :)
Oh my! Those night photos look almost magical, and while I think snow is very pretty I'm so glad I don't have to live with it. lol! I'm such a warm blood. It's 60 degrees outside right now and I'm freezing! lol!
It's so neat to see Nova had a great time with Mr. Snowman/Frosty. How hard it must be to move around when you're bundled up...oh I can't help but laugh!
Hi Nikki :)
Nova looks so cute all bundled up! Great job on the snowman. It looks like he loves snow as much as I do ;)
The picture your SIL painted of the Titanic is PERFECTION!
Nova looks darling in that snow suit! :) Brandon said "HEY! Mr. Nova made a cool snowman!!" I'm glad that he is enjoying being out in the snow this year. We had our first measurable snow fall today... got to walk Tiny-Man to his first day of pre-k in about 5 inches of the stuff, he had a blast! :)
NO FAIR...we got NOTHIN'
Our weatherman said to expect a wet/icy winter.....ick!!! We've had our share of days w/out electricity here due to ice storms.
Your place looks amazing in the pretty.
The snowman looks so cute! What a good job you all did on him! What a sweet face Nova has!
Oh, snow!!! so pretty. Nova's snow man is great, When I tried to make one I ended up with a pyramid ???
Oh The snow is beautiful....and the snow man is so cute...what a memeory you've made for precious Nova....He is a doll. I know how excited you both were to see the snow outside....we sure would be!
Looks like you used up half the snow in your yard for that snowman, but he came out so cute! Nova's cuter though.
Justine :o )
Hi Nikki,
I'm going with the SNOW post for my drawing entry/comment. It's so hot --- and all that pretty white snow looks so cool and refreshing and icy! And the snowman is adorable (actually, both of them are! The live one and the snow one)!!!!!
Have a blessed day!
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