What?? Titanic docking HERE? Oh my goodness!!
How exciting~I must pack!!

Here is a slide show of some of my favorite, exquisite vintage Edwardian garb. None of which I own. Too $pricey$ for me, but a girl can dream, eh? I just love the slim lines~ luscious fabrics, trim and lace....
(And shoes!!)
Stay tuned this weekend to see what Joyce has finished!!
This is a post I had already created when I found out Jan at Jan and Tom's Place was having a Somewhere In Time party. I love that film too, and I figured since Titanic was the same time frame, that those who love the costumes in SIT would enjoy this slideshow as well. And if you like dolls and Somewhere In Time, then you'll love my friend Ellen's page for sure. Ellen had the costumes from the movie recreated to fit her 16 inch dolls. Franklin Mint's Josephine makes a splendid Elise! Note that there is a page two to her SIT dolls~ and Richard is there in his brown striped suit!
I can't wait to see! That chest is gorgeous! I think I will watch the Titanic tonight... I seem to be in the mood for it now. : )
Love that chest! Very vintage! I can just see you travelling with that. I can also see you wearing the first two dresses in the slideshow. The pink one and the white one. How beautiful! The shoes were spectacular. You find so many nice things that make me wish we were back in those days right now. Thanks for sharing. xxoo
Nikki - you are the amazing with your outfits...have you ever gone to a Titanic exhibit? It is amazing. I love that picture of you saluting. I was in a play a few years ago, based on Christmas in the 40's during the war. Your outfit would have been perfect. Sometime, I will have to post my picture of my dress...that was so fun!
Have a great weekend...btw - becca is one of my favorite blogs. Nice that you finally got to meet her.
I've watched the Titanic...ONCE. I own the VHS tapes of it, too!
Much prefer SIT to any other movie, EVER.
Thanks for your visit and comments.
Hi Nikki! Oh, I love that beautiful trunk there. But the slide show of all the vintage clothing is just marvelous!! I especially loved the long flowing white one with the shoes to match.
This was just lovely and thank you for coming to visit me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Now I know why you like the care so much. Somewhere in time for sure but Titanic oh my, the best.
Your blog is lovely and your music is lovely what else can I say but you my dear are lovely!!
Thank you for visiting.
Claudie from Canada
I love the slide show of all those gorgeous period clothing/shoes. My favorite was the white lacey gown.
Great trunk! My parents have a steamliner trunk in their home that used to belong to someone in the family. It's huge! I can only imagine that they had to be in order to fit such fabulous clothes, shoes and hats, etc.,
What fun! Love the chest. Thanks for checking out my roosters at the door and yes I have a 1920 or earlier Craftmans Bungalow. We are working on.
Can't wait to see what happens next. Love the clothing. Wouldn't a sea voyage be just wonderful, an elegant back in time voyage of course.
Hi Nikki :)
Wouldn't I just love to have a trunk full of those clothes... drool! I'm off to check out your friend :)
Nikki, I love the trunk and the clothes. I could so live with the style in those days. There is only one thing that would stop me. The woman killer corset. No way Jose.
Love your post and I will check out the dolls.
Thank you for your sweet comment on my family ice cream NOT post. LOL.
Those Edwardian era gowns and shoes are absolutely breathtaking! Thank you for sharing the slideshow! That trunk is lovely, too!
I must visit your friend's link! :)
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