Are you ready to board Titanic?
~~~*Drum roll please*~~~
*These images and painting are copyrighted*

Isn't it fabulous!?
This wasn't a surprise; I knew my SIL Joyce was painting it. But still, I am blown away. She told me she was going to paint it for me long ago. We discussed how it should look, etc. I said I wanted the ship to be HUGE, and as if it were coming at me out of the canvas. I wanted a bright sky, not dreary or night time. I think she completely nailed it. I love the lighting on the funnels. The color of the water is gorgeous.
(The photo doesn't do it justice)
The red stripe at the bottom is the perfect shade.
It will hang in our stairwell upstairs. Joyce said after she finished it she raised her arms and said "I'm the king of the world!" WOOOHOO! I don't blame her, what a work of art, patience, time and love.
(Speaking of Somewhere in Time, see her sweatshirt? Joyce has been to the Grand Hotel and took pics of it for me!)Joyce is an art teacher and has already begun to nurture the *budding artist* in Nova. It runs in the family as Kevin and Joyce's Great Grandpa painted. Nova loves to paint, perhaps he'll be next!
Just look at the detail!
There is a window in my stairway in the the back left if you're looking at the painting. The sun will stream in just enough to look like that is where the light source is coming from; hitting the ship just so~ it's perfect! You can click the picture to enlarge~
The steam and smoke, the lifeboats... the shading... wow.

Melly cat had to approve~
It will be hung higher and I want a shelf below to create a vignette.
Note: we are not finished with the staircase~ and the entire hallway decor upstairs will be inspired by the great ship's corridors and staterooms.
I played with pictures of the painting and turned it black and white. Joyce and I both gasped as it looks like an actual photo of the ship.
The Titanic has always fascinated me, so it wasn't just the movie Titanic with Kate and Leo that started my obsession. It just added fuel to the fire, BIG TIME. My dad and I have always talked about it, and there are many other movies and of course documentaries on the ship other than the Rose/Jack version.Here are a few of my movies. I know I have more stuff I have taped somewhere. Joyce found some of these for me too!

This is a collection of books and such. I have a book from 1912, and an album with survivers telling their stories; both of which I have put in one of those "special" places that I can't remember where. I hope to find them soon.

This is the book that had the picture of the ship that I liked best, so that's what she went with.

Joyce obviously has a passion for Titanic as well. She also painted me this cool cherub~ inspired from the broken one off of the grand staircase. I love the gleaming metal look of it!
We've gone to one of the exhibits together about three years ago in St. Louis, MO, and then to the Titanic museum in Branson, MO this summer. I've been to a few other exhibits, including one in Kansas City, MO. Kevin took me to the last Titanic dinner and to see the musical when we were first dating as a surprise. I already knew then he was a keeper, but that definitely sealed the deal, lol!
Joyce and I in St. Louis~

The dome pic featured on my banner~

Are you still here? Goody! Then I must show you a few of my costumes too!

And let's not forget my Rose doll collection!

OH, the necklace I'm wearing in the first pic while holding the painting is a replica of one brought up from the actual ship. This replica is much larger than the original.

So anyhoo... back to the star of the show here! JOYCE. I cannot thank you enough. Your hard work and talent is MUCH appreciated and I shall display this materpiece with great pride. Love and hugs to you!
I also want to thank all of you special blogging friends for being here to share my prize gift today! Big hugs to you all as well!
Please tell your sister Joyce her artwork is beautiful. It truly captures the ship in all its glory. I can just imagine myself standing dockside waiting for this beauty to dock and take on passengers. Just takes my breath away. Nikki, as always, you are so lovely in all your period dresses. You have such a flair for fashion that I can imagine you in all the dresses they wore back then. Thanks for sharing it all with us. xxoo
Sorry, I meant your sister-in-love as we call them. :)
What a beautiful site. I enjoyed it very much & love your costumes. I am an avid Titanic buff as well & have been captivated by the movie & history so much that I am organizing a Titanic-Titanic Great Lake Dinner Cruise here in our town of Marine City, MI for the last weekend in April 2009. We are planning to hire the Detroit Princess to come which it is a large river boat which when lit up at night is breathtaking. I have scheduled a wonderful speaker VC King who just published a book called Titanic: Relative Fate. She lives just outside of London Ontario & is helping to do all she can to make this event a grand success. WE are both donating profits of her book to Milvina Dean for her nursing home care until Christmas.
I have a small Titanic Movie Museum here in our town which has generated much interest. It should prove to be a very exciting event as we play our favorite character & gently cruise down the beautiful St. Clair River.
Thank you for having such a wonderful site.
Kind regards
Gasp! Applause, applause! she is so talented! What a lovely painting and you look divine in your costumes.
The titanic painting is just breathtaking. What talent your SIL has. And of course Nikki you and your costumes look like you have stepped out of time xxx
What a beautiful painting! It is painstakingly detailed! She did a fabulous job! How special that it was painted by a family member. Your costumes are lovely. How nice that you have a lovely hutch to keep all your Titanic treasures in. That doll is beautiful, too!
Hey Nikki!
This post is so beautiful, your sister in-law is so talented and sweet to do this for you, I am so happy for you. What a wonderful way to spotlight this beautiful movie in today's post too. I loved this have got a great collection of stuff and you are absolutely gorgeous in your dresses. I would love to be photographed in those pretty dresses. These photos are going to be so wonderful for your children to someday look at as the years pass by. You are going to be glad you have them, I know. I really enjoyed this post as I do all of your posts. have an open invitation to my blog, all you have to do is sign in each time...I hope you'll stop by as often as you usually would, and I hope you will soon find that perfect locket that speaks to your heart and that perfect bottle too!
I feel so honored to own that book of yours and the hand stamped card too. I appreciate everything you sent in the giveaway. I just wanted to tell you that again.
Greetings Fellow Titanic Enthusiasts!
What a beautiful, beautiful painting. In a world filled with all that abstract art that to me feels like white noise, it is truly refreshing to find raw talent in your SIL in the form of "the olde masters" paintings. Good on her!!!!!!!
Your dresses are truly amazing. I believe I have just bought the pattern of your blue dress in time for MY huge Titanic party in Februrary. Instead of hiring a vessel such as Maggie has done, we are spending the money on an 11-piece orchestra, formal served dinner, prizes etc. If Maggie's party comes off first, I'd like to see photos of that too, pretty please.
Keep me looped about the various parties and dresses. Love, love, love it all...
Lady Victoria (Rita Harris)
Events Coordinator,
Somewhere in Time, Unlimited
Seattle, WA
It is simply fantastic!
I'm so glad you showed a close up of the painting! It really is awesome! I remember when I was little there was an old black and white that would be on once or twice a year. I always had to watch it. I'm not sure what the fascination is... but I will watch anything on this subject. Funny, huh?
Thanks for sharing!
WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!!!! My jaw is on the floor. Joyce has INCREDIBLE talent! I can't even do paint by numbers! hee hee That is such an amazing treasure. Love all of your costumes too. The one where it is a side view- is that you or is that Rose? Scarey how much alike you are to her!!
OK I have some catching up to do. I'm sorry I havent been here for awhile........I am so behind!
Wow wow WOW! She did a fabulous job! I love how the smoke is streaming out from the stacks. And even though I'd seen them before, I love looking at pics of you in Rose costume. Geez, you look so much like her in the movie, it's not even funny!
Justine :o )
Nikki, this is an amazing post. I can't get over the gorgeous detail in the painting your sister-in-law made for you. What a labor of love that must have been for her. And you look absolutely divine in your period costumes.
How talented is she?!? Bravo to Joyce for a job well done and for such a loving gift to you. You two are very lucky to have each other and to be so close.
I love your Titanic collection, it's wonderful and so romantic.
My favorite romantic movie is Somewhere In Time. It makes me want to move into the Grand Hotel for keeps! ;)
Wow! What a fabulous post! I think Kitty likes being phtotgraphed and the painting is just his excuse!
You look so stunning in your costumes!
this isn't Titanic related but it's GWTW related. Did you know (you probably do) that there is a GWTW museum in Texas? I saw this post on a blog called Country Roads. Check it out if this seems interesting :0). I saw it and thought of you!
Great posts Nikki!
Joyce is a fabulous artist. The painting is incredible.
I love all your collections and the stories. Thank you for sharing!
What a treasure--Both the painting and the painter.
Wow, you must be in 7th Heaven with that painting! It is just beautiful! What a nice gift!
I enjoyed seeing the other goodies as well, some I've seen, but I always enjoy seeing them again. Love the Rose doll!
What an amazing picture your sister in law painted! The detail is just incredible. You're so lucky to have a SIL like that!
It was so fun to see your Titanic pics!
Wow. Yes it is fabulous. What a beautiful painting!
I have a weird attraction to the Titantic too. I don't collect anything, but if something is on television I'm glued to it. I love that era and there is just something about the story from beginning to end that sucks me in every time.
I can watch the documentary of the under water wreckage over and over. It's eerily beautiful - and I love it when they recreate the rooms in the ship. So seeing the pictures of the museum you went to is such a treat. I had no idea such a thing existed!
I LOVE all your costumes too. I'm so jealous. I can't believe there is someone in the world who loves the Titantic, Gone With the Wind and Somewhere In Time more than me. And with such gusto!
I am loving your blog more and more every time I visit. Infact I'm headed back to view the post again. I loved it.
Enjoy your painting!
Wonderful! The beautiful pictures! The history of the Titanic and its film I like much.
Serious good for going and for crossing the museum.
A greeting
Nikke, I remember you from GI!! I'm so happy I discovered your blog. What an amazing talent your SIL has and I can't imagine the hours to paint this in such detail. What an amazing gift!
That painting is so absolutely amazing!!
Your SIL has been blessed with an incredible talent, and how wonderful that she shares it with you!!
The place looks amazing! It reminds me of one the Branson hotels too! I think it's the Chateau?
I lived minutes away from the set of the Titanic in Rosarito (Fox Studios). It is absolutely interesting. When I move back home in a couple of weeks, I promise to get you a souvenir and some pics :)
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