Last night was my salon's Christmas party. The owners decided to have an ugliest Christmas sweater contest. Well, you know I'm game!! And boy did I find an U*G*L*Y one. The colors of the stripes alone are enough to make me want to yack. And I abhore this color red that looks faded with orange undertones.
Here's the description from the eBay auction:
I don’t know if there is anyone with the guts to wear this one! This is so CRAZY that I truly wonder about the person who decorated this one!
It has a HUGE bear wearing a fuzzy hat with one LARGE red ball in the center. He is holding a candy cane in one paw and a Christmas present in the other.
He has a white fuzzy furry cat with wiggly eyes that looks TERRIFIED! There are multi-colored sparkly pom-poms along the crew neckline as well as white pom-poms down the front of the bear and in a row underneath the bear and the cat. SWEET!
The back and sleeves have hidious yellow, blue, and green stripes on a red background. PRETTY!
This would be GREAT to wear to work during the Holidays or to that Ugly Contest Party. (If this doesn’t win I would be afraid to see what does). It would certainly liven up those BORING holiday dinners.
This sweater is made out of 100% acrylic and is a size large and measures 22 inches flat across the chest and 22 inches from the shoulder to the bottom edge. It measures 19 ½ inches from the underarm seam to the end of the sleeve.
Hopefully there is not another one like this in the whole WORLD!
But I couldn't stop there! I can't just do a sweater, I must have an entire ensemble you know! So I wrestled up my tree skirt and some candy cane tights; and naturally shoes to match. I wore my Grinch slippers for the judging...I've had these for about 10 years.
For dancing I added some jingle bells to my cute red and white shoes from Walmart!

Now, just what type of hairstyle does one wear with such a tacky outfit?
Why, a Christmas tree do of course!!
YES, this is my real hair! I put it up around a styrofoam cone and painted it green~(I ran out of paint)
Prior to the party, one of the girls asked me at work if I was going to wear a hat... *snicker*
*Click to enlarge*
Did I tell you spouses were invited to join in the fun? Mmm-hummm. Kevin and I joined forces on his get-up. He wore one of my granny shawl sweaters which I embellished with a creepy crocheted Santa face~ complete with strategically placed jingle bell eyes. NO undershirt. Ew.
Now I must tell you that Kevin didn't listen to me when I told him about the party. He thought it was going to be held at the salon. Nope. It was at a sports bar. He tried to bail, but I wouldn't let him!!
Here's a shot of the men's compition:
And the ladies...the compition was FIERCE!
See that red/green/white striped crocheted hat?? It's a toilet paper cozy, TOO FUNNY!!!
And get a load of those earrings! Another girl stuck peppermints to her shirt, she said she was tempted to put "suck for a buck" like on the lifesaver bachlorette shirts, lol! Now THAT would be tacky!!!
My outfit does NOTHING for my figure; I look like a Macy's parade float. But it added to the tacky allure I think...
So... guess who won?