Friday, January 16, 2009

Pink Saturday, Episode thirteen~

Welcome to Pink Saturday, hosted by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound. Please visit her and check out all of the other PINK Saturday bloggers!

Today I will share PINK SHABBY ICE SKATES! As soon as I learned that I was to be Becca's Secret Santa, I just knew these were what I wanted to try and make for her! Gee... the hardest part was trying to find the skates, (and stay within our secret Santa budget!).









Rhondi said...

Hi Niki
Those skates are so adorable. I've never seenanything like that before. The person who received themmust ahve been thrilled. Hapy pink Saturday!

One Shabby Old House said...

Happy PS!
The skates you made are the prettiest I have seen. You did a great job and what a lucky gal that received them

paintergal said...

Now, those are darling! How clever of you. And how lucky is Becca!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

that is one beautiful skates! good job! happy pink saturday!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Love those skates! What a lovely idea!


Harbor Hon said...

Fantastic! I never would have thought to do this. Thanks for the beautiful idea. xxoo

Anonymous said...

That is so creative...even a beautiful as they are, I don't think they would help me to skate! LOL I would just continue to fall....but in an oh so stylish manner!

♥Mimi♥ said...

How wonderful...those skates are lovely. You sure know how to make things pink!

Susan said...

Oh Nikki..Both you and Becca were so creative this year. They are GORGEOUS!!!

Decor To Adore said...

I was thinking how wonderful it would be to actually skate in such a pretty pair of skates. :)

Sometimes It's Good said...

The skates are so beautiful! What a wonderful idea!

Jaede said...

The skates are beautiful, how crafty you are xxx

*jean* said...

wonderful skates! i especially love the glitter on the blades!!! your blog is really cute!
happy pink saturday!


Nikki ~ those skates are fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Those turned out great, Nikki!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nikki, these are gorgeous. I know Becca must adore them.

Happy Pink Saturday.

LADY JANE said...

I bet she loved them! And what work they turned out to be...but worth EVERY second...they are Beautiful1 Happy pink saturday!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!Happy Pink Saturday

Lady Pamela said...

Absolutely stunning! I think I should try this too.

Rattlebridge Farm said...

How lovely! What a great idea!

{oc cottage} said...

Oh wow!!!!!! Tooooooo Cute!!!

M ^..^

{oc cottage} said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KatCollects said...

They turned out beautiful. Happy Pink Saturday.

My name is Riet said...

Oh Wow those skates are gorgeous. Have a happy day.

Justine said...

Now what made you think to take skates and make them into home decor? You did an amazing job, and they're just beautiful!

Justine :o )

Unknown said...

Those are stunning! I love that you used decals! I've seen the painted one that the lovely Celstina Marie makes, and I could never do that, but THIS I could do. Love it! Thanks for sharing! :)

La Tea Dah said...

The Nikki-Becca skates are absolutely beautiful! It was fun learning how you made them. Stunning!

:) LaTeaDah

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

You bet I will! ;o)

I love them! Can't believe those are clever!

The Muse said...

Thanks for Pink Saturday fun!

I am not covered up with pink here, at our cottage, The Painted Nest, LOL so that SAT was a stretch for me!! :) LOL

I am running behind on my comments as I have been traveling for work :)

What individual would not find themselves to be most blessed? Great job!!

a Pocket Angel said...

Hi Nikki, Oh what fabulous pink skates.. I LOVE them!
I have a pair I painted pink and adding pink roses but I like your so much better! The glitter is such fun..
Blessings ~Mary~:-}

Anonymous said...


Lori said...

Nikki, Don't screem but I just recieved a free pair of skates from the Good Will here, and they are adorable very small! They have another pair that are little girls too with a double blade for I believe $1.25. I love the use of decals, never thought of that. The pair I have I'll be doing for next winter for an interior door. Did yo see the very pink ones I amde this year that are hanging on my mailbox? I think thee back about 4-5 posts. Take care,Lori

Lori said...

Nikki, Don't screem but I just recieved a free pair of skates from the Good Will here, and they are adorable very small! They have another pair that are little girls too with a double blade for I believe $1.25. I love the use of decals, never thought of that. The pair I have I'll be doing for next winter for an interior door. Did yo see the very pink ones I amde this year that are hanging on my mailbox? I think thee back about 4-5 posts. Take care,Lori

Anonymous said...

Hello Nikki

It is so nice to meet you and to have the chance to view your blog.

Oh My those skates are absolutly the pink satin laces and all the art work you did. You are definitly very creative.

I will be back often to check you out.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those skates are works of art. Anyone would proudly put them on display in their homes. Just gorgeous.

Happy Pink Saturday! Lana

Jane O' said...

Those skates are fabulous! I really enjoyed ice skating when I was young (I actually looked forward to winter). Wouldn't that have been a blast skating in these?

Belinda said...

How creative! Gosh...what a transformation. The skates went from sad and discarded, to little pieces of rosy art! :-)

Unknown said...

I'm telling ya! Those are to die for!


Lallee said...

You did such a beautiful job on these. They were a perfect gift for Becca. I like how you embellished the waterslide decals. Just perfect.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

You did a great job! I love the chunky glitter, especially on the blades! Thanks for the instructions.

Next year I want to be your secret sister! I want black skates with yellow roses!!!!!! Okay??? Pretty Please!!


Rue said...

Those turned out beautiful Nikki and I told you she would love them :)

Oh and we looked a little at the floors underneath the new wood and they look pretty good, but Rich wants to wait until we have more time to get into that. We really needed to get up the living room rug so that we could put the furniture in there right away. It's easier to take up boards then carpet. What a PIA!

They're done now and I'll post about it soon :)


La Tea Dah said...

Just stopping by to say "hi" tonight and wish you a wonderful day tomorrow!


Prim Rose Hill ©2008-2020 said...

Those are beautiful! What a great idea you've given me. Hope you had a fabulous Pink Saturday!
~~Sheri~~Prim Rose Hill Studio