Just take a look at what my dear Secret Santa spoiled me with this year!!!
First glance into the box, once I removed the top layer of bubble wrap~

Ooo, what's this? A little tin with a sweet couple dancing on top~ hmm... she knows I like Marie Antoinette and that era!

Lookie what's inside! A pretty note card, vintage buttons, and a vintage rain bonnet in a darling little case. If my memory serves me right, I think my Secret Santa posted this rain bonnet find on her blog once and I commented on how I used to have one and used it for a Barbie purse! I was so excited to see it in my package!

Next I found this cute little bottle that she had embellished herself, I believe that's a vintage velvet flower from an old hat adorning the top!
(Have you noticed I had helpers? Katie and Nova were very curious to see what mommy got.)

The jar was filled with buttons! I know I took a photo, but cannot find it now.... oh well, on to the next gift!
An adorable little cottage that she painted for me. I love it! Oooo, so glittery!

Another view~ these pics don't do it justice!

Shall we peer back into the box? So many things, all wrapped so beautifully...

Lookie, a Santa! C'mer Nova...
And such CUTE Santa paper with a very special gift tag sporting vintage Christmas cowboy kids riding a sled!

What is it little man?

Oooo.... Cars glitter crayons, coooool!

Here's a better pic of the tag, along with a great Santa tag. (I loved the glittery Santa tag and was thrilled to find the same ones at Target!) I stuck the cowboy card in the tree.

Meanwhile, Katie is pouting under the tree. I guess she got bored, there's nothing in that brown box for her...

Nova also got this squishy frog~ I love the look on his face as he squishes with all his might and makes it's eye bug out, lol!

...and then puuulllllls it's stretchy arms! What a fun toy!

Ok, while Nova is busy coloring in his new Christmas book, and Katie is now placated in the empty box, I can get back to MY gifts!!!

Stunning vintage jewels!!

Which I found inside this pretty perfume box,

Hope you're still here, there's some really pretty things coming up...
Check out this vintage wrap; some sort of vinyl type stuff. Perhaps an old tablecloth or place mat? Maybe my secret Santa can tell us!

Inside was this GORGEOUS vintage crocheted butterfly yoke from an old nightgown. Most likely from the late teens or early 20's. It has the original pink silk ribbon; perfectly tattered and shappy!

I would like to add the cotton nightgown to it some day, or maybe a dress. For now I'll display it as is! Here's how it may have appeared years ago~

Here we have lovely wrapped gifts. I hate to tear them apart! The folded paper placemats are such a GREAT idea!
In one placemat was two vintage postcards, (or what was once on a card of some sort), and victorian rose stickers.
While opening the next one, I noticed the beautiful shaddow as the light cast through the lace paper. Tucked everywhere were precious hand written notes. I sat and relished in the moment for a while, feeling quite special!
Dying to know what was folded up inside?! Just look!
I found a perfect place for it here... a quick sneak peek at the bathroom. (click on bathroom in the lables under this post to learn more.)Yes, it's done but it's not decorated. So no big reveal yet, sorry!! *snicker*
The next item made my eyes well up with tears. The vintage card reads, "Pledge of Friendship".
And last but not least, an amazing hand crafted doll....of..... MOI! How CUTE is that?!
It makes me think of a vintage victorian Carmen Miranda, I just LOVE it!
To put it bluntly, I really cashed in on the loot eh?? So, you wanna know who my secret Santa was?
Huh, huh??
Why, none other than Becca...Of Bluebirds and Roses. I cannot thank you enough Becca, I cherish each and every gift and the time you put into them. I'm so blessed to have such wonderful friends. And thank you Brad for Nova's gifts!! He was quite the happy camper!
Stay tunned and I'll share the past few year's SSS gifts with you, along with what I sent! Believe it or not, I had BECCA's name this year! So you might wanna hop on over to her blog and check it out!
It looks like the entire family enjoyed the gifts, box included! LOL! What adorable giftees you got! Lucky you!
Very nice gifts from your Secret Santa! She knows you so well too. I love all the glitter as you know I am partial to them. I think you will be enjoying these (and Nova too) for a very long time. So sweet! xxoo
Good morning Nikki :)
You really DID make out! Becca sent absolutely beautiful things to you and how sweet to include Nova :)
I wanted to know if I can share my gift on my blog. I'm planning on it next week, so let me know.
Hey Nikki!
This is such a wonderful box of treasures...what fun and how sweet of Becca! All of it is precious...I'm lovin' how your bathroom window is turning out too...it's you girl, it's you! I bet you were so delighted to see the doll of you too,...see Nikki, I always tell you....that you are a doll! That is an amazing idea that Becca came up with. Nova is such a cutie with his gifts too! I bet he was excited to see that there was something in the box for him too...thanks for sharing your special day of gifts with us, it was so much fun seeing!
What a wonderful treasure chest you received, I love those rain bonnet cases, I recall my mum having some and playing with them.
How cool is that?! I love the Nikki Doll! : ) Can't wait to see the rest of the bathroom either. I love what your doing with the window...
Ok Miss Nikki Thing! I just went over and saw those incredible skates that you made for her! They are gorgeousness and totally perfect. You are sooooo talented! I can't stand it! : )
Well, it's about time you popped your head back into blogland, Nikki! And wow, what great stuff Becca sent you! You must have had a blast opening up all that loot! I think my favorite is the jewelry. Gotta love stuff that sparkles!
Wow, Katie is one gorgeous cat. She just reminds me of an Oreo cookie with her black and white fur. And the white is SO white!
Nova, as always, is GORGEOUS. I wanna play with this frog!
Justine :o )
Nikki, what fun it was to "watch" you and Nova opening your gifts; it was almost like being there!
Brad picked out that frog for Nova; leave it to a boy to know they'd enjoy squashing a frog and watching its eyes bug out! ha!
The rose wrap you mentioned is actually vintage drawer liner. :)
So glad you liked everything; I had so much fun, and you KNOW I LOVE my gifts from you!!
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